Thursday, October 31, 2019

New Videos - October 2019 Part Two!

Hey, so I was able to pull together another list before the end of the month!  Of course, I kind of cheated and picked a bunch of power metal songs, but when the stuff is this good, why complain!  Here's one last list for October!!

I warned you this would be heavy on the power metal, and we're kicking off with another NorthTale track.  This group really brings it together with all the staples of classic 90s power metal, with some crunchy riffs for good measure!  I really need to listen to this album already!

Now Freedom Call is part of those power metal hey-days of the 90s, and they're still charging ahead with their speedy, uplifting sounds like they haven't aged a day.  This is another band I should listen to more often!

Twilight Force has more power metal for us, though they are more in the DragonForce and Rhapsody of Fire style than the previous two.  However, anyone familiar with this group knows to expect epic lyrics, massive choirs, and a dramatic flair well-suited for their style of story-telling.  That speedy guitar solo doesn't hurt, either!

Alright, let's break up the power metal with something a little bluesier.  Here we have CoreLeoni, which is another group fronted by Ronnie Romero (how many bands is he in?!).  This has that late 80s, bluesy-metal of bands like Whitesnake and Great White, but with Ronnie's big vocals and some very nice shredding!

Sitting at the nexus of hard rock and post-grunge is Those Damn Crows, a band that doesn't sound like they come from Wales at all!  Full of upbeat, crunchy riffs, and a thick, soaring baritone voice, this is some solid stuff!

Let's wrap this up with more power metal, and this one is a classic!  With Helloween now featuring the return of Kai Hansen and Michael Kiske, they're really going all out!  Full of soaring vocal harmonies and epic riffage, it's clear to see why these guys are the origin of power metal, and they're still slaying it today!!  Oh, and just in time for the 31st, as well!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

New Videos - October 2019!

I'm afraid this month hasn't been as productive, as I've been dealing with a very persistent cold.  Hopefully, next month will be better.  Until then, here are some videos that has caught my interest over the past month!

Angel are back, bringing a nice mix of AOR and glam rock that reminds me very much of Europe's early material, and which is a compliment in my book!  Something of a nostalgic song as they look back on their past, but it sounds like they can still rock all the same.

Apocalyptica are certainly a unique band in the rock world, with their cello-driven metal, but here we see them venture more into progressive territory, mixing the collage-like imagery with all kinds of mood shifts and tempo changes. Impressive work!

Of course, I can't stay away from power metal.  Here is another one from NorthTale, full of that symphonic power metal magic I love!  I really should listen to their album, as I've loved everything they've released so far!

More symphonic power metal!  Visions of Atlantis takes things on a more cinematic scale, showing some nice vistas to go along with their epic melodies and orchestral swells.  Great stuff!

Talk about a band playing it oldschool!  RAM is here is bring back the glory days of early metal, carrying vibes of late-70s Judas Priest, Accept, and Riot.  With some crazy fast licks and a penchant for over-the-top metal aesthetic, this is a blast, literally and figuratively!

Let's finish with something a bit weird.  The prog supergroup Flying Colors is back with a third album, and for their first single, they're messing around with time-signatures and glow-in-the-dark in the same measure.  While the video is pretty nuts, the music is an interesting blend of hard rock and jarring rhythms, with a softer section reminiscent of Yes or early Genesis.  Nice work, fellas!