Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Welcome to The Rock Champion!

Welcome to The Rock Champion, the music blog dedicated to discussing and reviewing rock and metal music, starting with the timeless classics of the past, up to the latest bands of today.

I personally feel like rock music has lost its way in the last 15 years.  While certain scenes have been able to carry on in their various niches, much of the mainstream music audience seems to regard rock either as an old sound that's no longer relevant or has to be made relevant by making things dour and serious.

When rock music started out, it was fun music, focused on providing a thrilling, exciting sound that resonated with the soul.  Even as rock music moved forward and various styles and trends have come and gone, there was still this thrill to rock music, as musicians made the most of their instruments to engage their audiences, taking them to all kinds of places and making them feel all kinds of emotions.

Now, mainstream rock is some kind of platform for social awareness or exorcising personal demons, and any band trying to just play good rock music is regarded as a "sellout" or some form of "dadrock" that's too old to be relevant.  Of course, there is a place for the more serious kinds of rock music, but I feel like over the years, something was lost, something that's hard to quantify or even describe.  The "fun," the "performance," the "thrill" or "excitement."  Something!

So the purpose of this blog is to try and invite that spirit of rock back by championing the bands who still play with that spirit, because they're still out there!  Many of the old bands haven't stopped, and new bands are starting up, inspired by the timeless classics.  I am The Rock Champion and I am here to share what I find with others yearning for that same spirit.

To be clear, I have no pretensions to "changing the world" or anything.  I recognize that styles come and go, and that each new generation of music fans looks for something different.  However, I have also noticed that the internet has allowed fans of less popular genres and styles to come together, ensuring that there is no such thing as a dead genre of music.  And if my blog can be a corner of the internet where people can find the music they're looking for, I'll be satisfied.

For 2018, I intend to post articles and reviews on a regular basis, but we'll see how things go.  Please also forgive the weak layout.  I'm still sorting out what I want to do with the blog, visually.  Think of it as a work in progress until I make the decisions I need to for it.

Until then, rock on! \m/

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