Sunday, October 31, 2021

New Videos - October 2021!

Sorry for the lack of posts.  This month ended up being busier than usual.  Still, late on Halloween, I was able to get this article of videos together.  I've got some great metal this time.  Also, I want to make a minor change to my Spotify playlists: I'm going to have them go by quarter than by month.  Anyway, let's get started!

Starting off with some more Manimal, this track has a ton of Judas Priest energy.  Not only do you have some nice mid-tempo riffing, but singer Sam Nyman really channels that Halford energy with some epic wails.  This one is real solid, fist-pumping kind of stuff.

More Firewind!  It looks like Gus G and folks have another neat single for us, and while it may not be anything they haven't done before, it's solid power metal.  Herbie Langhans really seems to fit well with the band, now that he's had an album with them under his belt.

Now that I'm aware that Herman Frank is a part of this band, each new single definitely gets my attention.  Here, we have a nice, mid-tempo rocker, giving me some AC/DC vibes along with the classic German metal sound.  Vocalist Gianni Pontillo really lets it hang out, and it's great stuff!

Oh, hey!  These guys are back!  Once again, they've taken melodic metal and added a powerful swing-step to it, making a pretty catchy and groovy track with some nice, crunchy riffs.  I guess they're preparing an album for next year, but it's nice to hear they're still rockin'!

Here's another band I hadn't heard of before.  I guess this is from an album that came out last year, but this video was pretty new.  It's kind of a mix of heavy and power metal, but it has a some catchy riffs and good melodies.

Yup, Sabaton is back and doing more World War One stuff.  Of course, given the subject matter, they've added a strong layer of symphonic elements, giving the track a Trans-Siberian Orchestra vibe, going for both somber and anthemic.  Say what you like about the band, they certainly don't do things half way.

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