Monday, February 28, 2022

New Videos - February 2022!

Yup, it's time to get back into the videos again!  Certainly some interesting melodic metal right out of the gate, going from prog to power and back again.  Turn these up, as they certainly demand it!

This is an interesting piece of mid-tempo power metal.  It's got some good energy, making me think of some of the more anthemic Stratovarius songs like "Hunting High and Low."  Fabio is pretty over-the-top, but doesn't steal the spotlight, and his voice combines well with Giorgia Gueglio's.

Well, I suppose being from the same part of the world as Iron Maiden gives them a bit of authenticity!  This is definitely in the style of older Maiden, as it has a bit of a rock vibe, but the vocalist could easily be mistaken for Dickenson, which is probably intentional.  Still, a solid metal track.

I know the video has the hashtag for prog metal, but I get massive Yes vibes from this, mainly due to the vocalist Damian Wilson being right in Jon Anderson's range.  Getting the guitarist from DGM and the keyboardist from Dream Theater certainly helps lift the prog chops as well.  It's a neat little song, and I'll have to keep an eye out for more from these guys in the future!

Well, this is a solid piece of power metal.  Not really innovating anything, but it has good energy, and some interesting use of synthesizers, making me think of Twilightning, actually.  While this is just for an EP, I'll have to keep an eye on this band, going forward.

Now this sounds like classic HammerFall!  The extended guitar noodling makes me think of their early albums like Glory to the Brave and Legacy of Kings.  While "Hammer of Dawn" was decent, this one certainly has the band's various trademarks all at once!

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