Tuesday, May 31, 2022

New Videos - May 2022!

End of the month means it's time for another batch of videos!  I think there's a lot of great stuff here, mostly metal, but there is some rock in there for good measure.  There's certainly a lot of stuff to look forward to this year, that's for sure.  Check these out and see if you agree!

Another champion of the melodic prog metal style, Seventh Wonder's new single is pretty standard for the style, but it works!  Tommy's vocals remain expressive, the band show some dynamic playing and songwriting, and it's even a bit catchy!  I'll have to find some time to catch up on more of their stuff!

Yet another track from new symphonic metal band Shield of Wings.  I really like their sense of scale with their songs, making me think of Antti Martikainen in a way.  They also use some harsh vocals (from the keyboardist, I believe), but they're mostly in the background to add a bit of extra spice, which is interesting.

I featured this band back in November, and it's taken this long to get to their next song, and I enjoy this one as much as the last one.  I got Twilightning vibes from this track this time, but that's a good thing.  It just means that this is some solid power metal I'll need to take the time to check out.

After a three year gap, Tobias Sammet is back with another Avantasia album, and for the lead single, he's tapped into the incredible Ralf Scheepers to join him on vocals.  While there are some of the typical symphonic flourishes one expects, this song mostly stays in the heavy/power style that fits Scheepers like a glove.

After some controversy and a new singer, GloryHammer carries on their quest to be the cheesiest power metal band in the world.  While they may still have their tongues becoming permanent residents in their cheeks, I can't deny they still have a knack for some catchy melodies and epic vocals, and newcomer Sozos Michael seems to be fitting right in.

While GloryHammer continue crafting their own stories, Blind Guardian has once again found another novel to inspire new epic tunes of their own.  Building off of the book American Gods by Neil Gaiman, Kürsch and company have crafted yet another bomastic epic, with some pretty solid guitar solos.  Perhaps nothing new, but when they do it this well, I can't complain.

Good heavens, Moonlight Haze has been prolific.  Once again, they're back with their catchy symphonic metal, featuring quite the flurry of notes to kick this one off.  This really does have a lot of good, uplifting energy, with some great singing by Chiara Tricarico.

Harry Hess is back with more First Signal, and this track has some great rocking energy.  Great use of layers for something really driving and anthemic.  I know AOR can get a little samey, but I think this is a great example of how to make this genre really stand out. 

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