Saturday, November 10, 2018

Some quick videos

Sorry for not posting here.  Life has a funny way of messing with your priorities, and all my intentions for this blog were sidelined for a while.  Anyways, I just wanted to share some videos of new stuff out there that I wanted to recommend that people check out.

First of all, Apocalypse, the new Primal Fear album, is out!  While I don't think it was as good as the last one (Rulebreaker! \m/), it had some pretty good songs, including this one above.  Solid power metal for sure.

This is from a new band I had never heard of before.  It looks like they're a fusion of two bands from Texas.  The vocals seem a little low in the mix, but otherwise this is some very epic US prog/power metal!  They don't have a full-length album out, but you can find a few songs on their bandcamp page.

Meanwhile, Dee Snider decided to buck his glam past and go for a more modern sounding album with For The Love of Metal.  It's an interesting listen, but Snider acquits himself admirably to the new sound and makes it work.  Sounding somewhere between modern Disturbed and classic Testament/Metallica, it's a nice, heavy album with some satisfying crunches.

Getting into prog rock for a moment, this band In Continuum is actually the left overs from Sound of Contact (who's album Dimensionaut I loved!).  Basically, it's the same band without Simon Collins, so the vocals are different, but they remain very sci-fi focused.  I look forward to their first album when it comes out . . . . sometime.

Of course, my favorite band (or part of them) has been busy.  While Yes featuring ARW did release a live album earlier this year, this video was leaked as content for an upcoming album.  However, we haven't heard anything else, or even if it will be a full-length release!  Still, it's something to tide us over until we get more news.

Finally, let's do some 80s throwback stuff.  I decided to give Vega a chance and was blown away by just how anthemic they were.  If you miss the massive, wall-of-sound style of rock that dominated the end credits of epic 80s films, this is the band for you!

Anyways, that's it for me.  Sorry for not being more productive.  This is something I want to get more into again, but life has got me occupied elsewhere.  Still, I hope this wave of new material tides you over for now.

Until then, rock on!  \m/

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