Friday, January 25, 2019

New Videos - January 2019 Part 3!

That's right!  January gets three parts!  But when there's just so much great music out there, I gotta keep sharing it!!  Anyways, let's see what I've come across this time!

Beast in Black certainly know how to lay it on thick!  Powered by huge 80s synths, epic guitars, and Yannis's vocals, this is cheese I can get behind!

More power and fury from Rhapsody of Fire!  What we get this time is an incredible thrust of speed, energy, and technical wizardry.  While it may be nothing new from these Italians, that isn't a bad thing here!

Well, this is a change of pace!  Here we have a very jazzy piece from Soen, stepping away from their Tool-esque chops for something a little more Pink Floyd (it's the keyboards, really).  Moody, mellow, and played with sincerity.

Uriah Heep is another band I know little about, unfortunately, but I like how this one rocks.  Very much a 70s metal vibe, with crunchy riffs and raging hammonds, it's proof that old rockers don't need new tricks to keep rocking!

Evergrey have another album coming out, and while I've listened to some of the other early singles, this is the first one I've liked.  Nice and moody, with some decent crunchy riffs.

Oh, look!  Another Herman Frank video!  I don't know if I like this one as much as the other two, but it's pretty solid.  This is probably the album I'm looking forward to the most at the moment!

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