Monday, March 4, 2019

Last Played - February 2019

Yeah, I know it's March now, but I forgot to put this article together before the end of last month.  Cut me a break!  February is always short!  Anyways, here's the latest stuff I've been listening to.

Airborune - Breakin’ Outta Hell

When I first came across this band, I mostly dismissed them as an AC/DC clone, a comparison that is not hard to make, in all fairness.  However, when “It's All for Rock N' Roll” was used in a commercial, I was impressed and decided to check this album out.  First impressions were decent, but as I’ve listened to this album more and more on my iPod, I’ve really come to like it quite a bit!

For what it’s worth, I do think they add something extra to the AC/DC formula, mostly unbound energy.  These songs don’t just rock, they blow up in your face without remorse!  There’s an almost reckless drive to the whole thing that makes it very fun and exciting, nearly infectious, really.  Just one of those times where the more I listened, the more it clicked!  If you’re looking for some real straight-forward, fist-pumping rock music, pick this up!

Dragonland - The Battle in the Ivory Plains

I remember coming cross Dragonland when I first discovered power metal and was just checking out any band with fantasy elements. At the time, I didn’t think much of them, but liked a few of their songs, and then moved on to other bands.  It had been quite a while since I’d really listened to them, so I decided to revisit their first album.

And it’s pretty much what I remember it being: epic, cheesy, and clunky.  While the band clearly shows talent, with lightning fast guitars and a sweeping symphonic scope, the songwriting and lyrics never seem to find a good flow, which makes following the story and melodies difficult.  The songs require close attention to really piece it all together, but it rarely feels rewarding, resulting in an album that’s overall quite mediocre.

Evergrey - Glorious Collision

Another album I listened to once when it came out and then kind of forgot about.  However, watching these latest videos of theirs for their new album got me curious about them again, so I went back and gave this another listen.  

What Evergrey has going for them is mostly tone.  They really do a good job of creating an atmosphere of epic hopelessness, while still retaining the chops for progressive metal.  As a consequence, none of the songs really stand out, as they all sound very similar to each other, but as a whole, it holds together.  In any case, it makes me want to consider giving their new album a shot, though I don’t know when I’ll get to it.

Apocalyptica - Reflections

Apocalyptica is a pretty unique band, primarily consisting of cellos, and this album really shows it, providing a mix of driven metal and haunting ballads.  This was the first album of theirs I ever listened to, and I was really blown away by what a group of cellists could do.  I’m not sure if the ballads totally work, but when these guys decide to really kick it up, it’s some pretty good music.

It’s also worth noting that it’s their first album with a drummer, bringing in the legend that is Dave Lombardo for some of the tracks.  While their earlier albums were able to get away without having a drummer, it was mostly because they were covers.  When it came to their original music, it wasn’t quite a strong.  Here on this album, having a drummer really makes their original material shine, with songs like “No Education,” “Drive,” and “Toreador II” really standing out to me.

I get that Apocalyptica might not be for everyone, but I really like what they bring to the metal genre, making the most of the cello’s unique textures while still making some hard rocking music!

Well, that's it for February.  Maybe this month I'll catch up on some of those new albums coming out.  Until then, rock on!  \m/

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