Tuesday, March 12, 2019

New Videos - March 2019

Another month, more videos!  Let's get into it!

As mentioned before, I'm a pretty big Alan Parsons fan, so the fact that he's finally coming out with a new album after 15 years has me pretty excited.  That being said, this song does feel a little lackluster.  While it has a classic Parsons sound, it doesn't seem to do much more.  Hopefully the album will have more going for it.

Here we have a new band The Brink playing hard rock like it's 1982, where the anthems of the 70s meet the crunch of the 80s.  I'm not sure if I like the waaaa-ing underneath the whole song, the rest of it is great, fist-pumping rock!

Battle Beast is back with another anthemic rocker, but when they're this good, how can you go wrong?  Seriously, though, if you're in it for uplifting, melodic metal, you can't go wrong with these guys (and gal)!

Another banger from Japanese band Anthem!  This upcoming collection of re-recorded greatest hits is sounding better and better!  Just full of power and, well, anthemic riffs!

This one is a live recording of Riverside, playing the title track off their last album.  Riverside is a name I've seen around, but I've never really listened to them.  Here, we get a nice, moody piece that later explodes into a proggy metal jam.  Check it out!

Let's go with some classic party rock to finish this list!  Here we have a very AC/DC inspired track from Treatment, with a guy who can actually sing!  No disrespect to the gritty tones of Scott and Johnson, but hearing this style of music with clean vocals is just as catchy!

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