Sunday, July 14, 2019

New Videos - July 2019!

Good heavens, July is slipping right by!  Good think I've found some great new songs to share!  It's a little all over the place, but still full of epic rock and metal for you.  Check them out!

Talk about a huge AOR sound!  I admit I had never heard of Unruly Child before now, but I'm impressed!  This song has it all: great riffs, sweeping synths, and an huge, uplifting chorus.  I can only hope the rest of their new album sounds like this!

Yup, here's some more Grand Magus.  This is another solid piece of traditional metal, full of vikings and epicness provided the only way these guys can.

Yes, I know, another Monkey3 video from their new album Sphere.  At this point, I've posted half of the album, but I don't care!  They sound amazing!  Another incredible slice of psychedelic rock that builds into a massively epic ending!

So the power metal band ReinXeed decided to rebrand themselves as Majestica, but keep the same, straight ahead epic metal we've known them for.  I'm not sure why they decided to change their name, but I'm not complaining!  Sounding like a mix of Stratovarius and Rhapsody of Fire (with a few bass solos thrown in!), this song just plain rocks!

Here's another new power metal band, this time made up of people who've worked with U.D.O., Twilight Force, and even Yngwie J. Malmsteen.  Again, epic straight-forward, and full of those lightning fast guitar leads I love so much.  Looking forward to more from these guys!

Let's finish off with another power metal banger!  Twilight Force is showing off their new singer for their next album, but their sound stays comfortably between Rhapsody of Fire and DragonForce, so it's not really a surprise I like it!  I can't help but love the epicness of this kind of stuff!!

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