Friday, August 30, 2019

New Videos - August 2019!

Phew!  Just in time for the end of the month!  I know I have so much more to catch up on, but at least here are some videos for August!

More Italian Prog Metal!  Hollow Haze brings a great, symphonic stomper with "Destinations," going big like good prog should do!  Very melodic and catchy, with moments where the orchestra really helps build things up.  Good stuff!

Alter Bridge is back with their blend of hard rock, alt metal, and post-grunge.  Again, I feel bad for having not gotten back into this band.  This song just has more of the same big riffs, soaring vocals, and introspective tone that I've always liked from Kennedy, Tremonti, and company.

Airbourne is back with another slab of blues-rock.  Frankly, it's hard to go wrong with what works, and we have another great rocker from these Aussies.  Not that there was any reason to doubt, as these guys know how to rock!

Yes, I know I already reviewed the Monkey3 album, but I don't care!  This stuff remains amazing!  Their eclectic mix of psychadelic, stoner, and post-rock cannot be denied!  This one is not as long and starts off rather acoustic, but that's only the set up for the banger this song becomes!

While this Rhapsody of Fire spin-off has been releasing singles for a while, this is the first one that really got my attention.  Here we have Turilli / Lione Rhapsody exploring more abstract, nearly science fiction concepts.  However, that symphonic power metal sound remains very intact, full of high-speed riffs and epic choruses backed by massive choirs!

I feel like I don't cover enough classic-style progressive rock around here.  Pattern-Seeking Animals is a side project featuring current and former members of Spock's Beard, and while I'm not familiar with the Star-Trek-inspired band, I know good melodic prog when I hear it.  A bit Yes, a bit Genesis, but very light and floaty.  Not bad!

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