Friday, January 31, 2020

Top 5 Albums of 2019!

Sorry that this took so much time to come out.  I wanted to spend some time relistening to some albums to really determine where they fit.  I admit I didn't listen to as many albums last year as I wanted to, but I figured I had enough to put together a decent Top 5.

Anyways, that's enough excuses!  Let's get started!

5. Crazy Lixx - Forever Wild

Call it a token entry for the retro style, but I can't deny that this really is pure 80s fun.  Taking what made bands like Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, and Motley Crue so big and giving it their own spin, this is an album full of anthemic rockers that have plenty of energy.

4. Darkwater - Human

Full of atmosphere and proggy chops, this one really stood out as being very different.  Henrik Båth gives his all to these songs in a way that really reminds me of Roy Khan, and the rest of the band supports him with a wall of sound that's just massive.  Solid, symphonic prog metal.

3. Iron Savior - Kill or Be Killed

No real surprise to see this here.  Classic power metal always get my attention, and Iron Savior have deliver a top-notch album with this one.  While it doesn't really do anything new, it does lay on the epicness thick and does it well.  Full of anthemic choruses and massive riffs, it's a blast from start to finish!

2. Paragon - Controlled Demolition

I'm actually rather surprised this one made it to the list.  While I liked the videos they released, and felt the album was solid after the first listen, I didn't expect this one to grow on me so much.  Just chock-full of great riffs and epic vocals, it's gritty, old-school heavy/power metal that really grabs the ear and doesn't let go!

1. Monkey3 - Sphere

And yet, despite all the metal, this is the album that really blew me away.  Monkey3's unique blend of psychedelic, stoner, and post-rock elements create a wall of sound that feels liberating and yet emotional, and full of moments where the band just gets to jam for a bit.  A complete album, solid from top to bottom, with all kinds of highs and lows, this was my favorite album I heard all year.

Now, this list is by no means final.  As I said, I didn't listen to everything I want to last year.  I'd recommend keeping an eye on my "Best of 2019" Spotify playlist, as I'll continue to add songs to it.

In the meantime, I'm looking forward to another great year of rock and metal, and I've got some interesting ideas for articles coming soon!  Until then, rock on! \m/

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