Friday, February 26, 2021

New Logo! And Twitter!

Hey, we finally got the design updated with a new logo!  It only took me a few years to get around to it!

Well, actually, I had help with a good friend of mine named Mike West.  It took a while, as he squeezed it between all of his real life work and responsibilities, but I'm glad with how it turned out.

You can find out more about Mike West at his website:

He also has a fun sci-fi webcomic that has an interesting interpretation of wormholes, which can be found here:  I'm a big fan!

Anyway, now that the blog is no longer that average blue color, it's starting to look kinda nice!  I know I wanted to improve the visual look of the blog for quite some time, and I'm glad to have finally gotten there.  

I've also set up a Twitter account:  I'll be mainly using it to share my posts there, but if that's something you like to use, then there you go.

That's pretty much it.  In the meantime, I'll just keep on rockin'.  \m/

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