Friday, March 31, 2023

New Videos - March 2023!

While I've been listening to a lot of classic stuff lately, I haven't completely ignored what's coming out now.  There are some pretty exciting releases in the near future, if this collection of songs is any indication, with plenty of rock and metal to look forward to.  

Trust Excalion to bring the uplifting power metal!  Starting off with an epic wail, they once again pull off the triumph and epicness one would expect from these Finns.  Strong, anthemic melodies and a great, catchy chorus, this is power metal at its finest.

I'm glad to see Tanith is coming back!  Their unique blend of NWHOBM and 70s metal made them a stand out when they released their debut album four years ago (where did the time go?!).  This track seems to have some extra noodly guitars, but otherwise, their Thin Lizzy meets Fleetwood Mac vibe remains strong.

I can't believe it's already been 2 years since The Quest came out (well, okay, it's more like 18 months).  And now my favorite band is moving on once again to a new album, now with Jay Schellen as the drummer (though I understand some of Alan White's drumming made it to this new album).  Anyways, the song seems to retain the lush layers of the last album, but I don't know if the song-writing holds the song together all too well.  Still, it does show a band willing to try a few things, as there are some interesting affects being used.  Here's hoping the album has more going on than just this.

These days, it feels like most AOR is starting to all sound the same, so when a track stands out, it really does, and this one has some great energy.  Some nice riffing and the huge production give this new single from First Signal an extra brightness that feels like a step above the rest.

I admit that I dropped the ball on my Kamelot catch-up, so I don't know when I'll be getting to their newest album, at the moment.  However, between all the solid symphonic flourishes, I noticed that this track has some of that classic power metal sound in it, which gets me pretty excited.

Here's another group where their new album is already out and I haven't gotten to it yet!  Once again, Lovebites "stand and deliver" on their contagious sense of energy.  Even when they throw in a chunkier riff, like at the beginning of this one, they don't let up on the double-kicking power metal fury in the end.

While the third single for Metallica's new album was lackluster, I rather quite liked this fourth one.  It shifts easily between high-speed and mid-tempo sections, and while it may not necessarily feel innovative, it maintains its energy well, and Hammett's second solo was pretty good, making me think of some of his stuff from Ride the Lightning.

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