Saturday, April 29, 2023

New Videos - April 2023!

Man, it's been a busy month.  Still, I found a handful of interesting bands to go over for this set of videos, some new to me, some classic.  I'm covering quite a range of genres with this one, but that doesn't mean they all don't deserve to be played at max volume!

Yup, more Tanith.  This one definitely has more of a mellowed-out 70s jam vibe, with less of the mystery and mystique.  Still, it's a decent rocker that settles into a comfortable space, with some interesting overlapping vocal lines.  I've definitely been looking forward to their album, and I plan on getting to it soon.

Weapon (alternatively known as Weapon UK) is actually an oldschool NWOBHM band that never really got off the ground in the 80s.  But thanks to classic metal bands finding new audiences in the age of the internet, they've had something of a revival in the 21st century.  While I've never heard of them before, this clearly has the band pushing into heavy/power metal territory, and I can't deny that it's rather catchy.  

I admit I haven't played the Soul Reaver games (though I've heard good things), I definitely know good power metal when I hear it.  The song-writing gives me some Blind Guardian vibes, how it goes back and forth between aggressive and melodic passages.  I'll have to catch up with these Finns at some point.

The Dust Coda are back again, and they're starting with another high energy blues rock anthem!  It doesn't seem like they're changing things up much, but I'm okay with that, as their first two albums are some very solid retro rock, and I'll be happy to take a third!

It might be silly to call a nine-minute song a "single," but this is the second one Yes has given in anticipation of their new album next month.  It has some nice melodies and shifts, but it pretty much stays in this chilled tone the whole time, making me wish for a little more punch.

Going from light prog rock to melodic thrash might just be the biggest stretch I've done on a New Videos article!  While I'm not quite sold on their new singer, Metal Church does know how to bring the riffs and the fretwork that inspire a solid, headbang-worthy track.

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