Thursday, November 30, 2023

New Videos - November 2023!

So I admit that things have been quiet lately (ironic, really), but I think I finally will have some time to catch up on some albums.  In the meantime, here is another handful of great videos to check out!  We got classic bands along with some newer ones, but it all rocks the same!

I still think it's crazy that Judas Priest is sharing these songs so early on, but I suppose they gotta ramp things up for their new tour with Sabaton somehow.  In any case, this is a solid 6/8 stomper and nice, catchy chorus.  While I think I liked "Panic Attack" a little more, it's by no means a bad metal song.

Firewind is also winding things up for an album coming out in March.  Gus G provides another track full of crunchy riffs and shreddy solos while Herbie Langhans sounds as good as ever for this band.  I remember liking their last album, so here's hoping this one will just as good.

It ain't flashy or sophisticated, but The Rods continue to do what they do best, and that is to play old-school metal like it's 1980 all over again.  While I have featured them in the past, this is another one of those bands that I should probably dig more into, as it seems like they have fun songs.

Scanner seems like a band that has sort of existed in the background of Germany's heavy/power metal scene without much recognition.  I think I had seen the name here and there, but never really took the time to check them out.  When this single came across my feed, I was delighted to hear a lot of energy and noodly riffs, not unlike Gamma Ray.  The lyrics are a little clunky in the delivery, but otherwise, it's a solid enough track to put them higher up on my radar!

Once again, Final Strike provide another slab of melodic, uplifting European-styled power metal.  It's not doing anything particularly new, but they seem to have the right pieces to fit right in with Freedom Call's particular camp of metal.  I need to get to this album!

Another song from an album I need to get to sooner rather than later.  This time we have Sorcerer going for an epic gallop, chugging along at a faster tempo than usual for these doomsters.  However, Anders Engberg's vocals soar just as before, and there are plenty of noodly guitars, which are a staple of the band, by now.

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