Saturday, May 25, 2019

New Videos - May 2019 Part Three!

More videos!  There's been a lot of great music coming out lately, and I'm glad to share it with you all.  Got quite the mix this time, with some artists coming back and a few news I hadn't heard of before!

I can't help it!  Sabaton makes great power metal, and they always seem to find neat things to sing about!  While the video does get a bit grim (though it is World War I they're talking about), the infectious, epic melodies Sabaton is known for are all on point.  Check it out!

Tanith is back with another single for their new album.  Once again, rocking that 70s prog/metal vibe, this really has that classic touch.  It shifts from mood to mood, and yet, it's never jarring, or feels like it's trying to do too much.  Classic rock to a T!

We're rocking it old school this time, as we have The Rods back with a new album.  I guess they've been rocking since 1980, and it sounds like they haven't changed much.  Despite them being from the US, this has a massive NWOBHM sound with a lot of bass!

More old-school metal!  Got another Paragon video, and this one is pure 80s speed metal, with some very flashy solos and epic riffs.  Just great, break-neck metal that you can't help but headbang to!

More Diviner, more epicness.  Once again, great riffs, huge vocals, and a grand sense of musical scope.  It just sounds huge!  This one has more of a prog metal vibe, like Vanden Plas.  I like it a lot!

Let's finish off with a great piece of driving AOR.  With a big chorus and great riffs, this one really soars, like a good AOR should do.  The lyrics might not be much, but it has great production, and Dino just really let's it out!

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