Saturday, June 15, 2019

New Videos - June 2019!

Well, after such a busy April and May, I seemed to have slumped a little.  Don't worry, I have plenty of content coming down the pipeline, but first, let's cover some new videos.  Turn it up!

I know it might seem strange to start with a ballad, but this one does have quite a bit of heart behind it, even if it is broken!  Soaring vocals from Herry Hess along with a symphonic vibe really help this one soar.  Get out the lighters

Crazy Lixx is at it again, with another anthemic 80s-styled rocker!  With that epic, glossy Def Leppard vibe, these guys bring the fun for their brand of glam metal, and it just sounds amazing!  Having a few fighter jets flying around blowing things up doesn't hurt either.

What's this?  More AOR?  Why not!  Here we have Hardline again rocking like it's still 1982, and that's a good thing!  This has all the drive and adrenaline a good rock song like this needs!

Have I mentioned how impressed I've been with Italian Prog Metal lately?  Here's another great epic, though it's a little closer to traditional metal, but full of melodic leads and epic synths.  Still, great stuff!

And now for something a little different.  Monkey3 is known for their modern take on psychedelic rock and just like the last song I featured, this is full of atmosphere and intensity.  The fact that this is live doesn't affect the sonic weight and power of what they have going here.

Man, these guys can play!  I know I've posted them here before, but I can't help it!  So intense while still being melodic and catchy!  Once again, big Megadeth vibes, without feeling derivative, this is just another dose of great metal!!

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