Tuesday, December 17, 2019

New Videos - December 2019 Part Two!

Slipped a bit, but I'm back with some more rock and metal for you.  Hopefully, these tracks will keep you warm as winter really sets in.

Man, the 80s are really being mined for all kinds of things!  Fortunately, the song is a really catchy piece of AOR, with Outland really leaning hard on those synths for hooks!  I don't mind, as this still rocks pretty hard!

Epic doom metal is a genre I really should listen to more, as they really know how to make a song sound huge, and this is no different, with Sarah Ann's vocals soaring over everything!  Smoulder is pretty new to the scene, but they rock the doom as well as Candlemass or Visigoth!

Pattern-Seeking Animals has been slowly releasing videos for nearly every song of their prog rock debut.  This one caught my ear for having some nice, upbeat melodic hooks (despite the dour lyrics!) and a classic 70s vibe.

Stormwarrior is a peculiar band, playing blazing fast power metal, but focusing all their lyrics on Norse mythology and classic Viking culture.  In the end, they've created a pretty unique style for themselves, and this new song shows them carrying on with that style.  Fun stuff, if you can handle the high speed shredding and pounding!

A new video for Find Me's latest album.  Like I said in my review, this is very solid AOR, full of anthemic vocals and synths.  This song actually has a pretty decent guitar solo, but the rest of the guitars really do sit back in mix overall.  For those who like their rock synth heavy.

Finishing how we started with some more AOR.  Edge of Forever has been rocking for quite a while, and their experience shows.  With the crunchy guitars and layered vocals on the chorus, it's the perfect kind of uplifting that makes this genre shine!

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