Friday, June 12, 2020

New Videos - June 2020!

Good heavens!  It's been a while, hasn't it?  It's not like there wasn't good material released in the past few months, I just wasn't getting around to it like I normally do.  Excuses aside, here are some new tracks worth listening to!

Modern Kansas is not quite like the 70s material, but they do have moments where it comes together pretty nicely, and this definitely shows the promise of their new album.  Thoughtful, broad, with that violin which adds that nice touch that's made this band stand out all these years.

I admit I haven't followed DeYoung's career after he left Styx, but here we see him aiming for that classic sound.  Tons of vocal layers, some classic proggy synths, the build to the catchy chorus, it has a lot in common with the sound he forged with his band in the 70s.  It could use some crunchier guitars, though.

After being blown away by them back in February, here they are again with another great song.  It's pretty poppy and melodic, but retains the heavy, crunchy guitars of the other song, making for a pretty epic number.

Nice piece of melodic prog metal, in the vein of Dream Theater and Vanden Plas.  With some interesting syncopated riffing and great vocals, this band just released their debut and from this track, they seem to have a lot of promise!

You can always trust Vega to lay down a solid rock song with a big chorus.  This one is the title track of their latest album, and probably one I should go pick up.  I really liked Only Human, and this sounds like it's more of the same!

More melodic prog metal!  I was impressed by Noveria back in March, and this one is just as epic.  Italian prog seems to have this perfect balance of melody, drama, energy, and crunchiness that works for me, and this track is a prime example.

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