Monday, November 2, 2020

New Videos - November 2020!

More videos!  The good stuff just never seems to stop coming out.  Here's another handful as we get into November, featuring a good mix of styles.  Turn it up!

Yup, another one from Spirit Adrift.  This one starts off with a kind of bluesy groove, thanks to the bass, before going into a stompy doom/heavy metal track.  I really liked the little licks the guitarists played here and there.  I clearly need to give this album a listen because I'm liking everything I'm hearing from it.

This is a completely new group, offering up some symphonic power metal, much in the vein of later Kamelot or Serenity.  The band name is a bit of a mouthful, but Marco Pastorino's vocals really soar over everything.  Perhaps not a great track, but certainly shows promise.

Black Stone Cherry is another one of those groups that I keep seeing around, but just haven't gotten to.  Here, they have a kind of southern-fried post-grunge, making for a solid rock, short, effective rock song.  I know I've been wanting to dig into these guys for a while, and I suppose now is better than never.

I've always been a fan of Trans-Siberian Orchestra and that Twisted Sister Christmas album, so the opportunity for a new Christmas metal album appeals.  Of course, there's a chance it could be bad, but this certainly isn't!  Giving some classic carols a symphonic power metal boost, this one is right for the season!

I've been listening to a few tracks from these guys, and they seem to be proggy power metal in the vein of Kamelot and Angra.  The riffs certainly have a more technical feel, but singer Vasilis Georgiou is definitely channeling Roy Khan for some dramatic heft.  Neat stuff!

Vanden Plas may have a style they stick to, but I can't deny that they know how to work it.  Melodic prog metal is a style that's been working for them for years, and it works again here on this one.  Always such a good balance between being crunchy, epic, technical, and soaring.

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