Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Videos - December 2020 Part Two

Well, I barely made it!  I wanted to get this one up before the end of the year.  I've got another interesting mix of bands, all of which seem to show that 2021 will be a promising year for rock and metal.  Check'em out!

Not sure where these guys were hiding, but they have this neat, bluesy hard rock with lots gritty vibes.  I'll have to check out more of their stuff if it's going to have these kinds of riffs and grooves.  Just real straight-forward, crunchy stuff.

Evergrey already has another album on the way, continuing their emotional and crunchy prog metal sound.  I admit I still haven't listened to much of these guys, despite liking their sound.  Maybe I can change that in the upcoming year, and them putting out another album doesn't leave me much room for excuse!

Despite this album's delays, I'm still looking forward to this sci-fi epic from Orden Ogan.  Crunchy riffs, soaring vocals (with neat little glitch effects), and a slick, polished atmosphere in their production.  It's not as strong as their last single, but pretty solid, nonetheless.  

I'm mostly familiar with Glass Hammer through their first two albums with Jon Davison, as I was curious about him when he joined Yes as their new singer.  This song is a rerecording of a track they wrote in the 90s for a special release on their website.  As expected, it has a lot of the qualities of 70s prog rock, notably Yes and ELP.  I know folks have given them a hard time for their kind of derivative sound, but I honestly don't think it's bad thing, and it sounds good here.

Let's finish with something that's clearly aiming for a classic sound.  Pounder is pretty straight-forward metal, calling to mind the likes of late 80s Iron Maiden or Metal Church.  What caught me off-guard was the nice vocal harmonies on the chorus, add an extra touch to some solid riffing.

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