Thursday, January 28, 2021

Top 5 of 2020!

Finally!  I know I've said this before, but this top 5 has been quite a challenge to put together.  As I was relistening to stuff this year, some that I thought were strong started to fall short, while others rose up.  Even when I narrowed it down to these five, it was tough to put them in order.  However, it had to be done.

Before we get started, I do want to give an honorable mention to Judicator's Let There Be Nothing for being a very peculiar prog/power metal concept album.  It didn't quite make the Top 5, but cut it pretty close.  Now, let's check out the five that did make it.

#5: Metal Commando - Primal Fear

Even though it isn't as strong as Rulebreaker from 2016, they still have it where it counts.  It's crunchy, it's solid, and it's Ralf Scheepers bellowing out cheesy lines with authority, and that's good enough for me.

#4: Lamenting of the Innocent - Sorcerer

This album has a sound unlike any I've heard this year.  While it's technically doom metal, with the soaring vocals and dual guitar solos, you'd think it was power metal as a slower tempo.  In any case, it makes for an arresting listen, full of melodramatic tension and dark epicness.  

#3: Skycrest - Iron Savior

Iron Savior got third last year!  Like I said in my review, it's probably not as strong as last year's Kill or Be Killed, but it still has enough going for it to end up at this spot.  I'm just a sucker for German power metal, full of melodic leads and epic choruses!  I can't help it!

#2: Electric Pentagram - Lovebites

However, the champions of power metal this year are Japan's Lovebites.  I knew this band had potential, but this album just puts a big smile on my face.  There are a few weaker tracks, but the stronger ones make up for it in spades!  Tight, epic, melodic, and a ton of fun!

#1: Tragic Separation - DGM

It was either this or Lovebites, and I think DGM edge them out.  They're melodic-but-chaotic leads are just so cool and energetic, Mark Basile soars, and they have this rich layered sound behind it all.  It's also very consistent across the tracklist, and I think that's what seals the deal for me.  They may not necessarily be reinventing the prog metal wheel, but they know how to write an epic track, and this one has several.  

Well, that's 2020 wrapped up.  Now it's time to start looking forward to what's coming this year, and it seems we've got some big ones!  Right from the gate, we've got Accept, Evergrey, Ordan Ogan, and Helloween right out of the gate.  Should be exciting stuff!  Until then, rock on! \m/

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